• 242-806-2987
  • ceibalearning@gmail.com
  • New Providence, The Bahamas

What Did You Just Say?

Everywhere we go people are holding their phones: scrolling, texting, peering downward into the screen. An entire generation will not know of a time when there were no mobile devices accompanying us to every event, meeting and special occasion. The advantages of this technology are truly hard to measure. So many different types of crises have been lessened in magnitude, […]

Say It! Mean It! (But do it responsibly) 

It’s often said of bold leaders, “He says what he means, and means what he says.” Certainly, this is what a leader is simply supposed to do, isn’t it? It should not be some special characteristic worthy of mention, but the trait has become so rare that it is often said as a high compliment. Sometimes, however, it is said […]

Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Conflict

Highly skilled individuals come at a high premium, but how often do employers correctly estimate or even fully consider the value of high emotional intelligence in the workplace? A quick online search will give several excellent definitions of emotional intelligence, however this article found at Inc. gives one that is very easy to understand. Emotional intelligence is “an ability to […]

Recruiting Top Talent

“Marjorie was undoubtedly the best candidate interviewed, but in the end we simply could not afford her.” When hiring employees, settling for someone who is less than the best can inadvertently be the default position, especially when budgets are tight and benefits packages are thin. However, the best companies thrive, in part, because of the risks taken by hiring top […]